Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Confessions of my first time...

... photographing show jumping :-)

Although I started my equestrian path as a jumper, the immensity of equestrian images featuring jumping out there was just too much for me to "risk" the boredom of... you know, doing what everyone does. As it turned out, I was wrong!

Maybe the resulting images are just too... out of the ordinary for most people, but photographing show jumping can be thrilling, especially if you can approach the obstacles almost freely... (while photographing horse racing, I had the suicide tendency of laying on the ground and doing some exciting photography, some of which is in my portfolio now).

So when Nuno (he who tries to correct my bad riding habits) asked me to go and photograph a show I replied "errr, but, oh, I never photographed jumping". My only "jumping pic" is the one that has been posted in this blog, long ago, and it was a rare inspirational moment.

But... ok... I have to admit it now... absolutely thrilling moments to photograph:

Possibilities for original and out of the box images are almost endless...

... obstacles are colorful:

... there are relaxed moments...

... and if you're not careful you might end up getting accidental images that you actually like :-)


Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

I lost my first post it went somewhere in cyberspace.

I havent shot show jumping since I was in South Africa where I used to do the three day events (dressage, stadium jumping and cross country over 3 days) and also just stadium jumping. I really used to enjoy it.

You have captured some unusual, interesting and comical shots here well done. Love the colors.


Unknown said...

/me wonders when I'll see a photo of you jumping with Vodka de Lima....

Luísa Lima said...

Pedro, It'll be a bit difficult to be jumping and photographing at the same time, but I always love a challenge :-D